States of a Country

In this area you are able to access information about the states that have been entered for a particular country including the State Name and abbreviation. Note that this area does not relate to the States found within the State Taxes window. States of a Country relate specifically to Public Holidays, whereas State Taxes relates to Payroll.

Accessing States of a Country

  1. Go to navigator | Maintain Company Details | Country Definitions.
  2. Click on the required Country node.
  3. Click on the States of a Country node
    The Country definitions States of a Country screen will open.

Adding a New State:

  1. Access States of a Country
  2. Click on the Add New button.
    The States of a Country screen will open.
  3. Enter the State Name and shortened State Name (or abbreviation).
  4. Click OK to save the new State.

State Public Holidays:

Within Country Definitions you are also able to access the State public holidays for a particular state and add a new public holiday for that state.

  1. Access States of a Country
  2. Click on the required State node.
  3. Click on the Public Holidays node for that state.
    The Planner will open showing the established State Public Holidays in green. (National Public Holidays are also shown, in yellow.)
  4. Click on the Add New button to add a new public holiday, or double click on an existing State Public Holiday in the Planner to edit it.
    Note that you cannot edit National Public Holidays here. See Public Holidays for general information about public holidays, including National.
  5. Complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation
Holiday This area will not be active as State is already selected.
Date Enter the date on which the public holiday falls, or click on the Browse button to browse to the required date.
Starting Year Enter the year in which you want the Public Holiday to occur in the system.
Description Enter the name of the Public Holiday.